
A New Arrival...

Please help us welcome little RILEY MAY PALMER into the world!!!
She's been here since 12:52am on Tuesday morning and has been lighting up the Labor & Delivery wing ever since. Our sweet little one even had time to give her big bro a nice present when he came to the hospital for his first visit.

Riley weighed 7lbs and 1oz. and measured to be 20". She's a wee little one, but she's carrying a solid appetite with her. We don't expect that she'll be this tiny too long. She's also been quite boisterous and didn't stop making noise from delivery until the inaugural feeding time. She probably got that from her father.

Mom is doing great, too! After setting a "PR" (personal record) in the delivery room, Emilie has been recovering nicely and getting some well-deserved rest. Truly a job well-done! And now she reaps the benefits while holding our beautiful daughter. Awesome.


We're FAMOUS... not really

Our good buddy, Michel, wanted to make a spec ad for grocer/delivery chain Fresh Direct. The spot we created is not for air, but once this cute little monkey on the slide goes viral perhaps our ad, staring the Palmers, will make it to prime time.

Park from Michel Rothschild on Vimeo.


...and then there were FOUR

IT'S A......

We have exciting new news to share this morning. Palmer family is expecting a little baby GIRL and we couldn't be happier. The Chinese Calendar was right again.


Day with Thomas the Train

This was quite a day for Kellen. As some of you might know, little boys LOVE trains and Kellen is no exception. One of his favorite characters is Thomas the Train. He has the trains, toys, and loves to watch Thomas on TV. Today, we drove up to Essex, CT where Kellen and his 3 friends got to ride on "Thomas the Train", go on a few carnival rides, and, to top it all off, K received a "Junior Engineer" certificate. The highlight for Kellen was probably the roller coaster ride. He wanted to go on it so bad, he had a tough time understanding why he had to wait in line for his turn, and when the ride was over, didn't want to get off. We just couldn't get over how old he looked on those rides...such a big boy!



Check out our lil buddy learning the ins-and-outs of bicycle riding, with patient tutorial from Mom. Kellen's first whip is a present from Nana and he loves it. He got on this weekend for his maiden voyage shortly after Dad assembled (thank you very much, naysayers). We'll be looking to remove these training wheels in no time!


Maple Row Part II

We had so much fun getting our tree, we decided to join my Mom the following weekend and help her find her "perfect" tree. It was another fun day and another great photo op!

It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!

This Christmas, we decided it was time to cut down our tree and make a day out of it. My Dad was in town for a visit and Kellen was certainly getting into the spirit of Christmas. We got in the car and had a beautiful drive through the CT countryside and arrived at Maple Row Tree Farm. Our journey included a tractor hay ride, some homemade cider (spiked, of course) and donuts, lots of picture taking, and a short hike through the trees to find the perfect one. It was a success! We found our tree and had a lot of fun!