
New House in Fairfield, CT

The day of the closing, we got right in the house and started to paint. Our goal was to get the master and the kitchen done by the move day, which happened to be the next day. By midnight, we were finished and exhausted! Definitely happy we did it though!

Random pic, but too cute to pass up. This was taken on New Years Day for the Rose bowl. Kellen was all ready for game day...sorry the Ducks were not:(

Dining Room

Downstairs hallway

Kitchen in its "before" color. It is now painted in a pretty blue they call "ocean mist"

Adam strutting through our new house

Living Room

Family Room...some people aren't too fond of this purple, but we love it!

Yes, there is a telephone in the bathroom and no, we will not be calling anyone from it.

Master Bedroom also in its before color. We decided on the color "twilight" which is a greyish/purple.

Upstairs Hallway

New House + Snow = FUN!

We have officially been in our new house for 6 days! Luckily we did not have snow on our move day, but as you can see in the pictures, are certainly enjoying the beauty of it now. We had a lot of help from friends and family which made the move go very smoothly (definitely helps having a mover in the family...thanks Uncle Bill). While there are still many boxes to unpack, we already feel like its our home. With home ownership, we do have a lot of new responsibilities, but we are ready for it all! Already fixed the garbage disposal...now if we could just figure out how to work the thermostat!