
New House in Fairfield, CT

The day of the closing, we got right in the house and started to paint. Our goal was to get the master and the kitchen done by the move day, which happened to be the next day. By midnight, we were finished and exhausted! Definitely happy we did it though!

Random pic, but too cute to pass up. This was taken on New Years Day for the Rose bowl. Kellen was all ready for game day...sorry the Ducks were not:(

Dining Room

Downstairs hallway

Kitchen in its "before" color. It is now painted in a pretty blue they call "ocean mist"

Adam strutting through our new house

Living Room

Family Room...some people aren't too fond of this purple, but we love it!

Yes, there is a telephone in the bathroom and no, we will not be calling anyone from it.

Master Bedroom also in its before color. We decided on the color "twilight" which is a greyish/purple.

Upstairs Hallway


Danielle said...

Such a cute place! My favorite is the phone in the bathroom. Congrats you guys!

Just one tall girl named Laurel said...

SO CUTE! I love it! Your house is adorable-- look at that HUGE kitchen! Jealous! You KNOW you're going to call someone from the phone in the bathroom. That's too good. And, ps, Kellen is crazy with his fauxhawk.

Terry Debruge said...

What a great house!! Congratulations!

Nick Barsotti said...

I love your new house, it looks great! Congratulations! too bad its not in Portland :( Kellen is looks like he had a blast in the snow. Jack loved the snow in in p-town.

Olivia Cox said...

I'm so excited for you guys! Congratulations.

Amy said...

the place looks awesome! Yay!