
Vacation Part 1

As you probably have noticed, I am not the best blogger. I try my best to keep you all up to date on our little guy, but I obviously need to do a better job! Kellen is changing everyday. He is talking up a storm, running all over the place, and occasionally showing some signs of the oh so lovely two year old behavior ( and considering he is only 21 months, I am not sure what that is all about) I knew he was advanced, but I was hoping not in that way!

Here are some pics from our trip down to Florida. We had a great time visiting family and enjoying all of the beach/pool time. K loved his time with his cousins, Aunt and Uncle, and his Mimi and "Pop-pop". He also got a little spoiled with his 1st ice cream sundae! We then spent a few days in Key Largo with Adam while he was working...K and I had no problem tagging along for that part of the trip!

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