Our little Kellen has carb-loaded his way to the 8 lb. mark (7lb 15oz - close enough); a great sign for a healthy beefcake-in-training. Certainly the bench press and protein shakes are just around the bend. In addition to the weight gain, Kellen's also grown an inch-and-a-quarter since birth. The pediatricians' all refer to this measurement as the baby's 'length', as opposed to the vertical term for us upright folk. Since I'm not an M.D. I'll definitely say that Kellen is 21 3/4 " tall.
Emilie is busy competing for the Tri-State area's Most Pro-Active Mother by demanding a cure for newborn hiccups. Bonding with the child has reached a new level now that the rotting remains of the umbilical cord fell off this morning. Efforts were made to preserve the piece (perhaps for the scrapbook?!), but Em practiced her maternal-tone and pleaded to have me "throw that away and wash your hands".
The most bizarre baby-accessory to this point has to be the scratch-proof mittens that keep newborns from tearing up their cheeks. These are necessary, as I've learned. All newborns have the tendency to inflict nasty marks on themselves. To help remedy, Emilie has taken up the habit of using an emory board on Kellen's fingernails nightly.
I LOVE the pictures, and I feel like I am there with you. How do you guys get a chance to sleep?
I am so excited to get a chance to meet(and hold) that cutie. CONGRATULATIONS!!
We all wish you lots of love!!
The Kistlers
Aww! A man after my own heart: carbs, manis, and the Red Sox. Mr. K and I are going to be best friends.
Congrats to Adam and family! What great moments to alway treasure. Adam, you are absolutely hilarious discribing you new found experiances. You diffinatly got Holly and I crack'n up. You will have to let us know when you all be back out here to Portland. The Weikel Clan will come to bombard the visit. Take care, Nate Weikel
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